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Quran vs modern science: pain receptors

Quran vs modern science: pain receptors


According to Merciful Servant (2014), when a human hand comes into contact with fire, the skin’s sensory organs send a message to the brain. Being the centre of sensitivity, if the skin burns out, it means that one would not feel pain anymore because the receptors will be destroyed. This is why in The Holy Book Quran, God says that He will punish the unbelievers by renewing their skins every time they burnt out. (Rational Believer, 2018) “Those who reject our signs. We shall soon cast into the fire as soon as their skins are roasted through. We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste chastisement: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” (Quran 4:56) It so hard to imagine that there would have been any scientific studies on nerve endings as early as 1400 years ago. Once again, this Quranic verse proves to be linked with modern science, meaning that this was not the words of a human being but the words of God to His Prophet Mohammad.

Another interesting feature of the skin is the uniqueness of the fingerprints. According to Bailey (2019), every human being has unique fingerprints. Although fingerprints have been assumed to be efficient for offering grip, no one knows for sure the primary purpose of these distinguishing features. Many a time, fingerprints have been used for criminal investigations due to their uniqueness. There has never been a case of any two people who had similar fingerprints; every person has a unique pattern even the identical twins never show this similarity. (Bailey, 2019) It is only in rare cases that people lack fingerprints; this is due to a genetic disorder known as adermatoglyphia. The condition has no medical effect other than having lesser sweat glands. (Bailey, 2019) Despite the discovery being dated in recent years, fingerprints were written in The Holy Book Quran 1400 years ago. “And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul! Do people think We cannot reassemble their bones? Yes indeed! We are most capable of restoring even their very fingertips.” (Quran 75: 1-4). This verse shows that there was knowledge of fingertips restoration. This is seen when the fingerprints at the tips of the hands are destroyed but grow back in the same pattern as they were.


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