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Quran vs modern science: Sea water and fresh water

Quran vs modern science: Sea water and fresh water


According to Hayun (2017), Captain Jacques Cousteau, a French marine scientist well known for his underwater research, came out with interesting results following an investigation of water barriers. Captain Jacques says that after several studies of the Mediterranean Sea, he noted that a Sea has unusual amounts of salts and density, but it still possesses particular life forms. (Hayun, 2017) Then, on another research of the Atlantic Ocean, Captain Jacques found out that it had a different mass from that of the Mediterranean Sea. (Hayun, 2017) The two seas integrate at the Gibraltar inlet, and this means that they should have equal or nearly equal salinity levels, density, and the forms of life they possess. However, their structure is different even at the closest point of their meeting. Captain Jacques states that he found out that the seas are barred from mixing up at the point where they merge by a great curtain of water.

This phenomenon at Gibraltar inlet is similar to that of Bab al-Mandab, here the Gulf of Aden integrate with the Red Sea. According to Hayun (2017), discovered by a German scientist in 1962, Bab al-Mandab was another of Captain Jacques’s research points, and the results were similar to those of the first research. When different kinds of waters converge at the same point, they don’t mix. (Hayun, 2017) The findings of this water not mixing up prove a Quranic verse. “He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together. Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress” (Quran 55: 19-20). This happens at many points in the world where waters with different properties come together.

Another barrier is evident at bays or the deltas when freshwater from the rivers enters the seas. When rivers fail to mix with each other despite their possibility to do so, it’s because their currents both at the surface and at the bottom don’t mix with saline water at their converging point. (Hayun, 2017) According to Wonder World (2019), freshwater failing to mix with seawater is also mentioned in The Holy Book Quran. “It is He Who has let free of the two bodies of flowing water: one palatable and sweet and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to be passed.” (Quran 25:33) These words were written over 1400 years ago; they appear factual with modern science, proving that this was indeed Allah’s word. This is because the intelligence depicted in verse could not have been from a man of this period.


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