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Quran vs modern science: The Water Cycle

Quran vs modern science: The Water Cycle


According to the video of the water cycle, it shows how the water cycles from the ground to the sky and then back to the ground. Even before the scientists discovered how the water cycle works or it was created, it was already written in the Qur’an 1,400 years ago. Considering the evidence in Qur’an, it is clear that the often statements which Muhammad used to quote provide the closest link between science and the Qur’an regarding the water. Notably, according to modern science, the water on the ground, from the rivers, lakes, swamps and oceans, evaporates to the sky as steam. On reaching the sky, the steam condenses due to the low temperatures to form clouds. Thus, sometimes the clouds start falling back to the ground in the form of rain, and the water cycle continues.

According to the FreeQuranEducation (2019), Thales of Miletus in the 7th century BC believed that the rain was due to the water carried by the wind from the ocean to the land. During this era, they believed that strong winds passing over the oceans would carry large amounts of water, which would be released on reaching the drylands in the form of the rains. People believed this assumption mostly as they could witness heavy winds during rainy periods. During this time, they also never knew about the underground water; they only believed in the water which they could see with their eyes. However, modern science has recently proved that there is a mass amount of water underground. According to (Bucaille 1978), the original form of the universe was typically a single enormous mass known as Primary Nebula, which floated on a massive amount of water. Quran has supported modern science regarding the water cycle as it is written (Al Qur’an 39: 21) “Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and leads it through springs in the earth? Then He causes to grow, therewith, produce of various colors.” It is also written in Quran that, “And We send down water from the sky according to (due) measure, and We cause it to soak in the soil; And We certainly are able to drain it off (with ease)” (Al Qur’an 23: 18). Muhammad’s quotes urged people to seek knowledge in the Qur’an because everything is written down. Particular statements by Prophet Muhammad include: “Pursuing knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim”; “Wisdom is the lost believer’s property”; and “anyone who follows a path seeking for knowledge, Allah will make his path to paradise easy.” Thus, the above Muhammad’s quotes from Qur’an, among many others which have not been mentioned, are authentic invites to humanity, enriching their wisdom from all the resources.

Thus, science and the Islamic religion will always be considered twin sisters, and they will continue being associated even when the scientific moves continue taking great strides. According to the YouTube video by One Islam Productions (Jul 25, 2020), Qur’an provides detailed information about the creation of all the living things and everything within the universe. Typically, the scientific data is used for bettering the human’s understanding of the Qur’an text. What is more, in the period where, for most of the individuals, scientific facts have apportioned deathblows to the Islamic beliefs, it is precisely the scientific discoveries, in an objective assessment of the Islamic scriptures, have emphasized the paranormal disposition of the revelation and the validity of the Islamic which is imparted.


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